Choosing Between the Different Types of Harley-Davidson® Motorcycles

May. 21 2021 Buying Guide By Ol' Red's Motorcycles

It’s hard to think about motorcycles without having the name Harley-Davidson pop up in mind. Harley-Davidson has dominated the worldwide motorcycle industry with a well-earned reputation. They continue raising the bar for motorcycle standards by constantly refining their craft in their engine power and overall durability. Harley-Davidson® motorcycles are one of the top sought-after bikes for any type of rider.

We have listed a few of the most popular motorcycle lines to choose from. Continue reading to get to know them a little better. When you are ready to check them out in person, stop by Ol’ Red’s Motorcycles in Simpsonville, South Carolina. We also offer a wide range of motorcycles to those in Greenville and Columbia, South Carolina.

Standard Motorcycles

Let’s start off with the traditional standard design. These bikes are generally assembled with an upright seating position. They are perfect for riding around town, and for daily commuters. Long-distance traveling is possible, but Harley-Davidson also has a motorcycle built especially for those long drives. Standard models generally have mid-sized engines making them lighter, and usually don’t have saddlebags. Riders enjoy the maneuverability and agility that these motorcycles have to offer.

Cruising Motorcycles

When you hop on a Harley-Davidson cruiser, you’ll feel the difference. These types of motorcycle designs come with a comfortable seat that allows its rider to be seated at a straight backbone position. Cruisers are designed to be powerful and comfortable for extended highway drives or for adventuring on back roads. Their body frame is larger than the standard motorcycle design in order to seat their riders in a relaxed position for long hours on the road.

Touring Motorcycles

Touring motorcycles are built for all-day travel. They come along with saddlebags and other storage compartments to carry your basic necessities for a cross-country trip. Touring motorcycles have a wide frame and are heavier, which contributes to their stability when riding through strong winds along the highways. Their bigger fuel tanks mean fewer stops at the gas station, allowing you to spend more time on the road rather than catching a long line to fill up.

Touring models normally include a front fairing windshield, and some even have installed stereo systems, and charging ports for your electronics. We can say that this bike is equipped with all the necessary features to contribute to successful cross-country traveling. It was what it was built for—to tour!

Ready to look at some Harley-Davidson motorcycles?  It’s time for you to stop by Ol’ Red’s Motorcycle in Simpsonville, South Carolina, to check out our vast selection for you to choose from. We proudly serve those in Greenville and Columbia, South Carolina, too!